Virtual Community Circle on "Belonging"

Eager to build meaningful connections with neighbors? Join a Circle Conversation 

Community Circles connect people of all backgrounds to share and listen to each other's stories, focused around a single idea or question. Whether you are a long-time resident or have recently moved here, you will experience the power to meaningfully connect with “strangers”, by exploring topics such as belonging, values, gratitude or getting to know you. “I was surprised by how quickly I felt connected with people I had never met before”. “The circle created an instant sense of safety and equity - I think we each felt heard.”

Acton-Boxborough United Way and the AB Racial Justice Collaborative sponsored the training of 16 local Circle Keepers to launch this new trust-building community initiative that is grounded in restorative and healing practice as our opportunities to deeply connect with people from different backgrounds is increasingly rare. The Circles are open to residents of 16 years and older. Each Circle is designed for small groups of 10-12 participants. All it takes is one hour!

Today's Circle: Tuesday, January 25th, 6PM - "Belonging" via Zoom

You can sign up as an individual or with a friend or family member; Or, if you would like a Circle Keeper to facilitate a Circle for your street, neighborhood, book club or organization, let us know.

We offer both in-person and zoom conversations. Participation is free. All we ask is to come with an open heart. SIGN UP HERE if you are ready to join a Circle or learn more.